If computers are the lifeline of how the world virtually runs in the up-to-date times, computer fix technician(s) are the 'doctors' who ensure that the lifeline is fit and running. Carefully to be one of the most 'high precision' jobs, computer fix takes a lot of accountability and accuracy in performance. Here are a few 'must-have' Pc fix tools any computer fix technician should keep in his arsenal.
1. Appropriate Screwdrivers: (non-magnetic)
Parallel To USB Cable

Premium-quality screwdrivers of various sizes and also one with various shaft lengths are important tools in any computer fix technician's arsenal. Screwdrivers with distinct sized flat-head are also essential; however, make sure not to use magnetic screwdrivers inside computers.
2. Multi-tester/voltmeter
The most tasteless use of multi-tester is testing power supplies, which includes testing voltage, continuity, resistance, among many others; whereas, a voltmeter is used to part only voltage.
3. Atx power provide tester
This is one of the most important tools for computer fix that specifies if the power provide is outputting power; while providing functional terminals that allow easy testing of the voltage using a multi-tester/voltmeter.
4. Cable testers
Cable testers, used with a computer saves time and are for real manageable. Although there are alternative methods like substituting cables (for testing) with good 'acknowledged' cables, cable testers is a must-have for any computer fix technician's arsenal.
5. Post card
One of the most leading tools for Pc repair, a post card when plugged into an expansion slot, shows a problem code on a small display; which can be used to identify a problem. They are not only trusted tools to ensure accuracy and definite diagnosis, but are also perfect timesavers.
6. Diagnostic software
A must-have computer fix tool, this software is used to diagnose any computer problems in minimum downtime. This diagnostic software is for real available whether as disk drive premise software utilities, which are downloadable or are in case,granted by the drive software manufacturers - at zero cost.
7. Usb network adapter
A computer fix technician should have a Usb network adapter in his took kit to facilitate easy network entrance on a computer that has Usb ports, but is devoid of any internal network adapter.
8. Data exchange cables
A computer fix technician is most often faced with the problem of corrupted Os while Pc repair. And the best solution is data transfer, where the hard drive is formatted and Os and other software are reinstalled. This is done by data exchange cables available in varieties such as Usb, parallel and serial (null-modem).
9. Port-testing software & Loopback adapters
While port-testing software is used to resolve allowable functioning of the various ports; loopback adapters works in conjunction with the port-testing software. available for serial and parallel ports, loopback adapters replicate signals that are input into a computer.
10. Data-recovery software
A must-have for any computer fix technician's toolkit; data recovery software can help recover data from damaged hard drives.
10 Tools Every Computer heal Technician Should Keep in His Arsenalparallel to usb cable